Let's take a look at where we areDear readers,
it is with some sadness that we want to inform you that from today on, Audio-activity's reviews will not be translated into English anymore. I think we owe you an explanation, and you will find it below. We have been publishing for four and a half years and we have happy readers all around the world but to give a good service is expensive and it is time consuming. Unfortunately, despite our efforts we do not have any economic return that may encourage us to maintain the same standard that we have today. The Italian version has given us a satisfaction that we have not received from the English version. We have been sending mailings but we have not received any request whatsoever for advertisements from the economic operators. Maybe Audio-activity com is not authoritative enough, or maybe readers do not like the magazine ... well, no, the readers are in constant increase and the audio manufacturers put our reviews on their web sites with the link to Audio-activity.com. Therefore we are authoritative because if we are quoted there must be a good reason. But despite these satisfactions we have no economic return, no one invests in a banner that costs only 70 USD a month. Maybe our economic running of the magazine is not correct. When we ask for a device to review many times distributors ask us: "How much is it for the review"? Our answer is always the same: "We do not sell reviews. What we sell is advertising space on our pages to all those that want to buy it". We write what we hear and not what manufacturers or distributors want. Evidently some of our competitors have given this habit to the economic operators, that like the fact that we write free reviews and take advantage of it. For a couple of years the "donate" button has been present on our pages, to see if at least the readers wanted to contribute to the life of our magazine. We have received nothing so far. We have also had the suspect that maybe the settings were not correct but it is not so, a friend made a test and it worked perfectly. The culture of the "all at once and all free" that the internet has spread around is sorting its effects. So, for now we will not publish in English anymore and we will only update the news that we'll receive in English. We hope that things will change in the near future but for now you can read in Italian or use the on-line translators. You'll understand one third of what we write but that's what you can have for free ... Angelo Jasparro |