The quest for the perfect soundThe quest for the perfect sound ... just like saying the quest for the Holy Graal because no one knows how it is and where exactly it might be found.
Mistery and adventure have a charm that is hard to resist and therefore we either tread along path that are well known or we explore new horizons. With a friend by our side and the adventure is more fun and not just a foolish enterprise without any chance of big results! Someone to share our thoughts and impressions, someone to have fun with. Yes, fun! Because most of the times we forget what music was meant for. We evaluate and criticize and forget all about joy and happiness. Let’s give music the chance to bring back emotions and memories oftentimes buried under a boring daily routine. I have a privileged observation point, I do not care about brands, technical details and distribution … I stop when I feel something, when emotions suddenly arise from inside and take me back to a place and a time that are mine and mine only. Music is pure magic: it makes hundreds of people move at the same rhythm, moves those boulders that we keep inside transforming them into tears or laughter! Music is a bridge that connects people and places! Well, are you ready then? Ready to have fun and spend time together? Are you ready to let the child inside you take the lead? Criticism, test CD’s and prejudices are banned. An adventure where innocence, emotions and our instinct will be our guides. Music, food, friends, commentaries and many pictures. Pictures of devices and humans of course and for once only enthusiasm and desire to share a passion. #musicisabridge Follow me here No(i)sy |
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Audio-activity è un marchio della MGP Srl - PI 01839210158