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EMMESpeakers: First Leaked Pictures of The COPERNICUS LoudspeakersThe COPENICUS Preliminary technical presentation.
The new upcoming EMMESpeakers COPERNICUS loudspeaker will complete our trilogy tribute to the human genius, begun with The DA VINCI and continued with The GALILEO. The COPERNICUS represents a further interpretation of the DA VINCI/GALILEO concept, keeping some of its features like speed, detail, focusing, huge soundstage, massive presence and power handling thanks the common technical solutions adopted, the BSSE system (Box Shaping for Sound Enhancement) for first. The acoustic layout of COPERNICUS sees three drivers in an unconventional two-ways configuration.
The Low frequencies configuration requires some words to describe its layout. Two 10" aluminum woofers work in parallel, in bipole and asynchronous mode, thanks to a "time shifting" network that continuously changes the phase of one woofer to sync with the other one. The result is as in picture A (in-room measurement), in which red line is the low frequency response on axis, while the blue one is taken at... 180 degrees (!). As easily intuitable the response is close to spherical, up to the mid-high frequencies. The use of two 10" aluminum woofers grant a very deep bass response with extremely low, virtually absent, distortion. For the same reasons, the power handling is not an issue. Great attention, commonly with DA VINCI and GALILEO, is put in 100-150 hz response, in which typical rooms have resonant modes.
Mid-high frequencies are managed by a ceramic (diamond in option) 2" mid-tweeter, housed into a 1" thick BSSE panel, micro-machined from a solid aluminum sheet. Machine tolerances are under 1/10 of millimetre. The BSSE System, common in all EMMESpeakers' loudspeakers, syncs off-axis emission with the on-axis one. It based in a baffle profile to variable ratio that works in combination with the crossover layout. We can say that the BSSE System is not only a shape but an integrated acoustic layout: driver(s), baffle's shape, crossover network. (Picture B and C. BSSE panels, in assembling and mounted on GALILEO, that host Diamond Tweeters).
T h e c r o s s o v e r s e e s t h e t y p i c a l EMMESpeakers' approach, with a drastic cut off of 4th order in mid-high frequencies, with relative phase kept at around 45 degrees. That provides a very constant radiation lobe all over the crossing frequencies. As usual for EMMESpeakers' product the on-axis anechoic response tends to copy the human ear sensivity at 90 db (with its loudness profile). Thanks to the combination with the BSSE
baffle shape, on-axis and off-axis response are re-aligned to get (in room) a flat response in the frequency range in which the ear sensitivity is higher. Just like DA VINCI, and to a greater extent GALILEO, the control of vibrations and stationary waves in the COPERNICUS' cabinet has our primary attention. The solution stays in the same features that greatly work in DA VINCI and GALILEO: a combination of form and material discontinuities (starting from the construction by layers), mass variation and high absorbing, adding the decoupling by the cabinet suspension. The COPERNICUS is distinguished by the other world production thanks its unique design, which introduces new aesthetics elements. The design concept is based on more volumes that intersect and stretch to each other, in a play that is not only form but function and structure as well. The original cabinet shape gives importance and elegance to the whole loudspeaker, and in the same time levity and proportion. One of new aesthetic element is for sure the backlighted housing for the 2" mid-tweeter. Available as option, even aftermarket, soft and sound-sensitive on/off, fixed warm and multicolor back light o match with set-up or room lighting. In coherence with the Company vision and mission, EMMESpeakers' products are not only great music-machines but sophisticated pieces of furnishing too. The continue research in finishing, made EMMESpeakers the real gilding specialist (ancient decor technique brought through the centuries up to our days, and repurposed with modern taste), and able to offers eight different metal leaf, up to 23,75 kt pure Gold Leaf.
Preliminary specs: - 1135 mm heigh x 310 width x 400 depth - two ways system with three drivers: - one 2” ceramic (option diamond) mid-tweeter - two 10” aluminum woofers in asynchronous mode - sealed box - suspended cabinet - option: backlighted ring for the mid-tweeter housing - weight: approx 50 kg each More info: http://www.emmespeakers.com/ |