blu-ray audio The Auryn Series Auryn's Haydn: op. 50 Joseph Haydn String Quartets · Vol. 7 of 14 op. 50, nos 1 - 6 Auryn Quartet TACET Real Surround Sound & stereo - 24/96 Blu-ray (total playing time 148'00) Order no. 185-5 Barcode 40 09850 018551 further details: Why is the string quartet since Joseph Haydn the most important genre of chamber music? Most of the classical chords can also be presented by a string trio, which can be difficult. Things are easier for a string quintet, of which there also exist the most beautiful examples. But 4 are quite sufficient. After all, there are also 4 cardinal points and 4 seasons, although in both cases a subdivision in more or fewer parts would be thoroughly conceivable. In front, behind, left and right also make 4, incidentally, and this now brings us to the current complete recording of all the string quartets of Joseph Haydn in TACET Real Surround Sound performed by the Auryn Quartet. The picture looks quite simple, and yet there are 23 more possibilities just when the listeners exchange seating positions. They have all been tried (see DVD-Audio TACET D124), and the result is our "classical" seating arrangement. The reward for the setting on this novel and unconventional way of listening is an unbeatable and effortless differentiation of everything that can occur in the score. The quartet is no longer a podium discussion on a faraway stage, but a conversation in which the listener also participates. So 5, after all ... all 68 quartets of Joseph Haydn are released in this way. Vinyl: Check new signals and recordings to test and adjust vinyl equipment Vinyl, 180g (total playing time 35'44) Order no. 0210-1 Barcode 40 09850 021018 Content: Tracking ability - Wow and flutter - Phase - Crosstalk - Tracking angle error - Skating - Pick-up arm resonance - Strident sibilants and fricatives - Frequency response - Dynamics mehr further details: This LP fits in seamlessly with an entire series of releases that have been issued by TACET over the years, including My Audiophile Companion (T51), The Audiophile Chamber of Horrors (T54), More power and ideas for your surround equipment(D154) usw. All these CDs and DVDs give listeners the means to decide, with their own ears and usually without measurement devices, how well a system functions or sounds. This, now, is the expansion involving the gramophone record part of the system. We have thought up quite a large number of novel tones and signals in order to systematically test the quality of an LP system. Some of them enter into the border area of what vinyl technology is capable of achieving. The LP was created in cooperation with the Analogue Audio Association and with the help of Daniel Krieger of SST Schneidtechnik (SST Cutting Technology). Comments are closed.
October 2016